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Virtual Course Virtual Course

FSO Program Management (On-Demand Access)

November 3, 2023 - November 3, 2025

Virtual Course Virtual Course
$49 – $199


FSOs need to excel in typical FCL situations, but it’s crucial they develop people skills while effectively managing a secure site as well. The topics we discuss throughout this course will give FSOs the confidence to continue impacting security culture in their roles. FSOs will engage through specific and relatable examples taken from the experiences of security professionals within this industry. Engagement is key, as it will help you bridge the gaps of policies and procedures and content application within the FSO role.

  • Prepare for an audit
  • Apply guidelines and accountability standards for the DD 254
  • Consider and review the Insider Threat Program
  • Conduct a self-inspection
  • Security management best practices

Entire Course—includes all 5 trainings: $199

Build Your Own—select individual training(s): $49 each


FSO Program Management On-Demand:

  • Course is applicable to the FSO role specifically
  • Guides provided for executing various FSO requirements and processes
  • Insightful advice for developing people skills
  • Specific and relatable examples and mitigations for common FSO pitfalls
  • Bridges gaps between the policies and procedure and the practical application of these within the FSO role

Students will have access to digital downloads that will be used to navigate through each training. Downloads include the current DD 254 form, the Contract Security Classification Specification DD 254 Guidance, the Self-Inspection Handbook for NISP Contractors, as well as the Security Executive Agent Directive (SEAD 3). Also included in the digital downloads are self-paced exercises that will help students apply what they have learned in a particular training. A 32 CFR, Part 117 (NISPOM) link will also be provided as a convenient way for FSOs to access important information that is imperative to their role.


This course is for FSOs that are seeking guidance to perform at a high level in this demanding yet rewarding role. The knowledge gained through this course will set you apart from other FSOs, as you will not only develop the skills necessary to manage a secure site, but also be equipped to communicate and collaborate effectively with people and personnel within security culture management.

  • FSO STEPP courses
To gain online course access, add the desired course/training(s) to your order and complete registration information. You have the option to select full FSO Program Management Course (includes all trainings), or individual training(s) from the list below. One person per registration submission.

Select either the full course (all five trainings combined) or select specific individual trainings from the options below. We will email you access credentials as soon as they are available.


This course or training is approved to earn Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits through ASIS International since Adamo is a recognized ASIS Preferred CPE Provider. Upon completion, you’ll receive a certificate and the CPE credits can be self-registered with ASIS International.


November 3, 2023
November 3
$49 – $199
Course Category:




Adamo Security Group
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