An overview and tips to help you complete your FFC For any SCIF or SAPF construction projects, the ICD 705 Technical Specifications, or Tech Spec, requires that the Site Security Manager (SSM) completes a Fixed Facility Checklist (FFC) and submits it to the Accrediting Official (AO). This is a form that needs to be completed in full for every project seeking accreditation under the ICD 705. … [Read more...] about How to Fill Out Your Fixed Facility Checklist
Maintaining Security in Your Daily Life
How cleared employees, and everyone else, can keep themselves and their company secure While those holding a Personnel Clearance (PCL) need to be uniquely aware of protecting both their own and their company’s information, everyone should be concerned with their personal security and take steps to maintain it. How you manage your security will depend on a number of variables in your life, … [Read more...] about Maintaining Security in Your Daily Life
How to Learn the Ropes as a Security Professional
Get your feet under you quickly for a job in the industrial security world Starting a high-security profession can be daunting at first: There are countless acronyms to keep track of, dozens of requirements to meet and multiple dense government documents to wade through. In a career where you’re concerned with national security, it can feel like a lot of pressure to learn things quickly and not … [Read more...] about How to Learn the Ropes as a Security Professional
2023 Security Industry Trends on Display at GSX
How our approach to security is changing according to an Adamo security expert The Global Security Exchange (GSX) is an annual event that gives industrial security professionals an opportunity to network and learn from each other, as well as discuss the threats currently facing our nation. Such an event allows attendees to see what the industry’s current priorities are. Adamo’s Security … [Read more...] about 2023 Security Industry Trends on Display at GSX
Best Practices for Preparing Your Company for Security Audits
Tips to ensure your company’s ready for security reviews Security audits are a continuous reality for all companies holding a Facility Clearance (FCL). To best prepare for these in-depth security reviews, your company needs to ensure it’s closely following the rules and regulations of the 32 CFR Part 117, NISPOM. Otherwise, your company risks losing its FCL. The DCSA (Defense … [Read more...] about Best Practices for Preparing Your Company for Security Audits
What are Waveguides?
An overview of the common TEMPEST mitigation If your SCIF or SAPF is going to be processing secure information, you will have to be concerned with adding means to addressing TEMPEST concerns. TEMPEST is the unclassified short name for the study, investigation and mitigation of unintended emanations, or intelligence-bearing signals that can escape the facility and be picked up by outsiders to … [Read more...] about What are Waveguides?
What Happens When a SCIF Is De-accredited?
The ICD 705 de-accreditation process and how the facility can be re-accredited The development of a SCIF or SAPF is a long and often incredibly expensive process. When you’ve invested so much time and money into a facility, the last thing you want is to lose the accreditation that you worked so hard to get. However, thanks to allowances made in the ICS 705, de-accreditation doesn’t have to be … [Read more...] about What Happens When a SCIF Is De-accredited?
Do’s and Don’ts of TEMPEST Mitigations
Best practices for navigating TEMPEST requirements throughout the project life cycle TEMPEST, the study, investigation and mitigation of unintentional emanations from electronic equipment, is a complicated and sometimes overlooked aspect of SCIF and SAPF security. The DD 254 form, the form the government uses to communicate security requirements for construction to contractors, has a simple yes … [Read more...] about Do’s and Don’ts of TEMPEST Mitigations
Best Practices for Developing an Insider Threat Program
How you can ensure your Insider Threat Program is effective and meets requirements For any companies holding a Facility Clearance (FCL), the 32 CFR Part 117, NISPOM requires an insider threat program, an internal program dedicated to preventing and catching insider threats. This is led by the Insider Threat Program Senior Official (ITPSO). This is a position the Senior Management Official (SMO) … [Read more...] about Best Practices for Developing an Insider Threat Program